hhhmmmmm... what do I want? What I can never get back. Can't go back to the garden after you've eaten from the tree. eh
just a small little island. in the middle of nowhere. not good enough for anyone or anything.
... it's 6 in the morning, and i am thinking "why do i have a blog anyway?". i hardly update, and i don't really like sharing my thoughts and feelings. well, i do, just not what i really think and feel. actually... no i don't. nevermind. ah screw it, whatever.
there was a time when i couldn't see myself living past the age of 18. now, 7 years after the fact... i still can't see myself past the age of 18. hahaha
today i feel a little less alone in the world.
hmmmm... i think i have abandonment issues. that, or i need a cell phone...
I finally found it! you know that feeling after finally scratching that itch? yeah, that's it. sometimes i get obsessed with things, and i start to worry that i might have obsessive compulsive disorder. this time, it was this one song... lately i've been on a music listening binge, listening to a bunch of oldschool(can't beleive it's been that long already) stuff from the mid 90's. for the past couple months on and off, i've been looking for this one song by the sneaker pimps, spin spin sugar. the problem was, there are like 20 different versions of the song, and they aren't clearly labeled either. plus, i couldn't quite remember how it sounded either. but i found you, you little @#$%^&*!!!! I feel so much better now. now if i could only find that old nintendo power final fantsy quide...